by OU IQC | Jun 16, 2015 | Lectures, Placemaking Conference 2015
“In the 19th Century our leading causes of death were infectious diseases and cholera. We didn’t have antibiotics or vaccines, so we had to look at our cities- Planning and public health were birthed together and we were able to defeat many of these...
by OU IQC | Jun 16, 2015 | Lectures, Placemaking Conference 2015
“As I was working as an engineer and planner, I started to ask myself questions about why the projects I was working on didn’t seem to make a lot of financial sense. Why are cities that are experiencing robust growth having deep financial problems?”...
by OU IQC | Jun 16, 2015 | Lectures, Placemaking Conference 2015
“I desperately wanted to fix my hometown, Miami. To help create place. I thought if we could only convince people, show them the power of place, its value, that things could change. I just needed to find a way to prove that to people.” Mariela Alfonzo...
by OU IQC | Jun 16, 2015 | Lectures, Placemaking Conference 2015
With increasing globalization and digital technology, it can sometimes seem that the world is becoming placeless. Wilfred McClay describes why a sense of place still matters, and the dangers of ignoring it. Wilfred McClay is the Blankenship Chair in the History of...
by OU IQC | Apr 17, 2015 | Blog, Community Events, Events, Featured Posts
We extended the reach of the 2015 IQC Placemaking Conference by sending three conference speakers on the road in Oklahoma during the week of the conference. Gil Penalosa traveled with the IQC to Tulsa and Oklahoma City. Chuck Marohn and Tripp Muldrow traveled with the...