OU Institute for Quality Communities

The Institute for Quality Communities is a community engagement program in the University of Oklahoma Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture. IQC partners with Oklahoma communities to address local challenges, and brings best practices to Oklahomans through the biennial Placemaking Conference. IQC manages the Environmental Design degree program for undergraduate students.

Recent Posts

IQC Placemaking Conference Slated for Spring 2027

IQC Placemaking Conference Slated for Spring 2027

The next Placemaking Conference, a cornerstone program of the OU Institute for Quality Communities, is now scheduled for Spring 2027. While the conference has traditionally occurred every two years, this adjusted timeline allows the IQC team to ensure a meaningful and...

Atlanta BeltLine: A Storytelling Event

Atlanta BeltLine: A Storytelling Event

During the Spring 2024 semester, the Institute for Quality Communities, Environmental Design Practicum, and Interior Design Studio IV students worked in collaboration with the community of Taft; one of Oklahoma’s 13 surviving Black townships and what was once a...

Quality Places.

By the end of the 20th century, most towns and cities throughout the country – and certainly throughout Oklahoma – were struggling to deliver environments that fostered the quality of life that previous generations took for granted: vibrant main streets; public spaces where neighbors interacted daily; and safe, inviting open spaces where citizens of all ages gathered. We work with civic leaders to help citizens shape desirable places that define quality communities.

Increasing Community.

Former OU President David Boren expressed in his book A Letter to America, “Every decision should be made with the goal of increasing community.” We believe that great places are at the heart of great communities. The built environment strongly influences our social ties, how attached we feel to our communities, and our level of civic engagement. We help Oklahoma towns and cities reshape public spaces into environments that help forge community. In addition, the very act of reshaping our public spaces can galvanize community ties and spur further positive impacts.

Featured Partnerships

The Oklahoma Municipal League (OML) partners with us to offer the Quality Communities Grant to member communities for several years. Through this partnership, dozens of Oklahoma communities have received matching funds for planning and design services from the Institute for Quality Communities. OML has also supported IQC programs like the Placemaking Conference and Quality Communities Retreats.

OML is the authoritative source of information, training, and resources on effective local government, and is recognized as the respected voice of Oklahoma municipalities in the state. More at oml.org.

The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) is partnering with us in 2021-22 on a new program, the Community Economic Resiliency Initiative. Through this program, ACOG will select several communities in its region to receive support from the Oklahoma Main Street Center and IQC. More information on the CERI initiative at ACOG’s website.

ACOG is the leading voice for regional collaboration in Central Oklahoma.  Comprised of local governments that include 49 cities and four counties, ACOG’s mission is to to advocate for regional cooperation and address common issues; solve mutual problems and promote efficient government services; and to strive to improve the quality of life in Central Oklahoma. More at acogok.org.

The Mayors’ Institute on City Design (MICD) has partnered with IQC to deliver a Regional Session of MICD in Oklahoma City in 2019, and to support the development of Quality Communities Retreats programming in 2020.

MICD is a leadership initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership the United States Conference of Mayors. Since 1986, MICD has helped transform communities through design by preparing mayors to be the chief urban designers of their cities. MICD conducts several sessions each year. For a list of upcoming events, past participants, and more information, visit micd.org.

Want to get involved with IQC?

I'm a potential community partner in Oklahoma.

Assistance Projects – Accepting Requests for Proposals Now! 

Community assistance projects are a collaborative effort between IQC and representatives from communities in Oklahoma. You can view reports from past assistance projects. Community partners are typically governments, non-profits, and community groups. A number of assistance projects are selected each year based on their fit with current curriculum, student learning objectives, and timelines.

A request for proposals (RFP) from community partners is typically open in the spring, for projects that will take place in the following academic year. For more information, click here to visit the How it Works page.

Conferences & Events

IQC hosts the biennial Placemaking Conference to share best practices and ideas, and the video lectures are always available. From time to time, additional workshops, lectures, and training events are available. Follow IQC on Twitter or Facebook for updates.

I'm a student at the University of Oklahoma.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistants serve as project associates and assist with daily operations of the IQC. IQC typically posts available openings for the upcoming academic year near the end of the spring semester.

Graduate assistantship applications for the 2022-23 year are open until April 22, 2022. Please apply at this online portal.


Environmental Design Courses

IQC staff members serve as the core faculty of the Bachelor of Science Environmental Design program. Students in the program’s four core courses work with IQC staff on outreach projects in communities as part of the curriculum. The courses are available as electives to students with junior standing:

  • EnD 3893: Introduction to Urban Development Theory & Practice
  • EnD 4893: Historic Preservation Planning (Also available to graduate students)
  • EnD 3993: Environmental Design Practicum
  • EnD 4993: Environmental Design Capstone


Undergraduate Internships

Additional internships are periodically available. Make sure to check the Oculus newsletter and follow IQC on social media.