Propose a Project in Your Community

Community assistance projects are a collaborative effort between the OU Institute for Quality Communities, Christopher C. Gibbs College of Architecture, and representatives from communities in Oklahoma. Projects result in conceptual design and planning assistance....

Waurika Collaborates with IQC and OML

Thanks to the Waurika News Journal for allowing us to share excerpts from these articles covering a collaboration between Waurika, IQC, and the Oklahoma Municipal League. Please visit the full articles on the Waurika News Journal website. OU Partnership with Waurika...

Oklahoma Arts Conference

Art, placemaking, and community development increasingly interact in our state. Over the years we have partnered with the Oklahoma Arts Council several times with programs like the Cultural District Initiative. The Oklahoma Arts Council also has a fantastic annual...

Propose a Project in Your Community

OU Institute for Quality Communities (IQC) Established in 2008, the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities (IQC) offers conceptual design and planning assistance from the OU College of Architecture. This page provides an overview of how to submit a...