by Shane Hampton | Apr 2, 2014 | Blog, Featured Posts
The Census recently released 2013 Population estimates for the county and metro area levels. Oklahoma City remained on the list of the top 10 fastest-growing metropolitan areas, at number 9. The ten fastest-growing cities between 2012 and 2013 were Austin, Houston,...
by Shane Hampton | Mar 27, 2014 | Blog, Featured Posts
The Census recently released 2013 population estimates for counties. The Census estimates Oklahoma’s total population at 3,850,568. Oklahoma has gained about 100,000 people since 2010. These estimates are based on numerous sources of data and used for important...
by Shane Hampton | Feb 18, 2014 | Blog, Featured Posts
Students in the IQC Tactical Urbanism Workshop explored various issues related to tactical urbanism and shared them with the class through engaging presentations. You can’t get the full effect of these presentations without seeing them live, but here are the...
by Shane Hampton | Dec 27, 2013 | Blog, Featured Posts
The Atlantic Cities recently shared 2013 highlights from cities around the country. Here is a review of some of the best things that happened in Oklahoma’s towns in 2013, from big time music festivals to smartphone apps. Guthrie hosted 40,000 visitors for a...
by Shane Hampton | Dec 16, 2013 | Blog, Featured Posts
Here are the recent headlines and news from around our state about planning, placemaking, and community building in Oklahoma. To recommend a news story you think we should share, please let us know. Enid is considering a policy to designate 1% of any public...
by Shane Hampton | Dec 11, 2013 | Blog, Featured Posts
The IQC will be a part of two courses in the College of Architecture in spring 2014. Both classes meet once per week, on Fridays from 9:30 – 12:15. Environmental Design Capstone (EN D 4993 001) This project-based course taught by Ron Frantz and Hope Mander will...