Capitol Hill Pop-Up Plaza
IQC collaborated with Capitol Hill’s Calle Dos Cinco to build support and test ideas for a future permanent plaza in the district.
In 2018, Capitol Hill’s Calle Dos Cinco district leaders submitted a proposal for a collaboration with the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities (IQC). IQC is an outreach program from the Christopher C. Gibbs College of
Architecture at the University of Oklahoma that provides city planning and design assistance to Oklahoma towns and cities. IQC partnered with the Oklahoma Municipal League, a statewide group representing Oklahoma towns and cities, to provide matching funds for the project.
Calle Dos Cinco also worked with the Oklahoma City Metro Area Realtors (OKCMAR) to apply for a grant from the National Association of Realtors to help fund materials and provide volunteers for the project.
The Capitol Hill community wants to see a signature public space, like a plaza, at the heart of their historic commercial district. To build support and test ideas for a future permanent plaza, IQC supported Calle Dos Cinco and the Capitol Hillcommunity in creating a Pop-Up Plaza, or Plaza Móvil. The plaza took place at Southwest 25th and Harvey, a location that already has community significance during most community events.
This document explains the community visioning process and volunteer collaboration that made Pop-Up Plaza possible, and outlines some possible next steps for Capitol Hill.