Luther: Wild Horse Park
IQC collaborated with the Town of Luther and community stakeholders to propose a concept plan for the Wild Horse Park.
In 2019, leaders of the Town of Luther and Parks Commission submitted a proposal for a collaboration with the University of Oklahoma Institute for Quality Communities. The IQC partnership with the Oklahoma Municipal League provided matching funds to make the project possible.
The Town of Luther is looking to make investments in Wild Horse Park, a historic public property located along Route 66. This report describes the process of community outreach and plan development, proposes a concept plan to guide designs and fundraising efforts for Wild Horse Park, and concludes with next steps that set a starting point for implementation of improvements.
Plan Development & Community Outreach
The IQC team met with the project partners for a site visit at the park on September 20, to discuss plans for Wild Horse Park and survey the site. On October 2, the IQC team and Luther project partners hosted a community meeting to discuss citizens’ dreams for the park and how it would impact the community.
The IQC team began to sketch concept plans for Wild Horse Park following the community meeting. The plan development process included guest experts and a review by community partners in Luther.
Concept Plan
The concept plan sets a general vision for elements and layout within Wild Horse Park. The plan includes a description of strategies for parks, trails, landscaping, access roads, and facilities. The concept plan also recommends three overarching goals for the design of Wild Horse Park, based on community feedback and site-specific opportunities:
• Establish a connection to Route 66
• Celebrate local heritage
• Include nature play opportunities
Next Steps
This report concludes with guidance on next steps, including cost estimates for common park elements, revenue and grant opportunities, and nearby parks to visit for further research.